Friday, May 18, 2012

Batter Up!

I thought I’d devote a short entry to another one of my many roommates – the endemic Madagascar hissing cockroaches! I have never enjoyed squishing bugs to eliminate their presence in my home, specifically the very juicy ones. So why would I start here with their very massive relatives? Since my typical approach to pest control is irrelevant here (a steady stream of hair spray to drown the unwanted guest), I’ve turned to my broom. All it takes is one accurate steady swing and an open door and they are quickly on their way. One doesn’t have to worry about them taking flight as long as you get ‘em out on the first swing, which so far I’ve managed to do (thank God). Also, this way they go on their merry way back in the wild. I must note - not all take this approach. One of my friends next door quickly smashes giant cockroaches barefoot without hesitation. The only advice I have to pass on regarding this method is to go heel first (as one Peace Corps volunteer informed me). Otherwise, it could squish between your toes.  I hope to never EVER have to resort to squishing! I’ve included a photo to give you an idea of how big they are (larger than a lighter). I’m going to be a pest control specialist upon return to the U.S.!

1 comment:

  1. they are quite juicy...they used them on Fear Factor all the time.
